May I attend an SCF Board Meeting
Of course, the board has open and closed sessions each month. The General public is welcome to attend the open session portion of each meeting and able to get on the agenda by sending a request to the board email address at
How often does the SCF Board Meet?
The SCF Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month for face-to-face meetings on the SCHS campus and weekly conference calls during the academic school year. The SCF also meets annually for an extended strategic planning meeting at the end of each academic year.
How are vacancies handled?
According to our BYLAWS, vacancies, and elections are handled in the same general way, a Nominations Committee convenes at least 60 days prior to elections and announcement of the voting date and meeting is announced at least 30 days prior to the vote.
What qualifications must the SCF Board Members possess?
According to our BYLAWS, vacancies, and elections are handled in the same general way, a Nominations Committee convenes at least 60 days prior to elections and announcement of the voting date and meeting is announced at least 30 days prior to the vote.
How long is each SCF Board Members term?
Each member of the board shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which elected or until a successor is elected. After fulfilling 2 consecutive 4-year terms, at least 1 year must elapse prior to a previous board member being appointed or elected back onto the board.
How many members are on the SCF Board?
Currently, there are 11 members on the SCF Board. Current positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Chief Financial Officer,Assistant to Chief Financial Officer,Assistant to Secretary,Academic Liaison,Athletics Liaison,Arts/VAPA Liaison,BOBCAT Benefit,Capital Campaign Manager.
Why doesn’t SCHS have Booster Clubs?
It is the intention of SCF to provide a variety of fundraising events and donation options to the Carlsbad community in order to generate funding to support all students in the areas of Academics, Arts and Athletics. Each program is able to raise funds under the not for profit umbrella of the foundation and these funds are allocated to the specific program that raises the funds. General funds are also raised and may be allocated to various programs that are approved by the board to support the priorities of Sage Creek High School.
What powers do the Sage Creek Foundation hold related to SCHS?
The Sage Creek Foundation (SCF) operates according to the non-profit 501(c)3 requirements and laws. SCF is not an employer or employee of SCHS or the Carlsbad Unified School District. The Foundation operates to support the fiscal efforts of SCHS through fundraising and private donations.
What is the purpose of The Sage Creek Foundation (SCF)?
Sage Creek Foundation generates resources to provide SCHS students with cutting-edge Academics, Athletics, and VAPA programs, technologies, and experiences, preparing them to succeed in their college and career aspirations.
Who are the Board Members?
The current board members of the Board of Directors for the Sage Creek Foundation can be found here.
What is a General Donation?
A general donation is a gift in which the donor does not specify a specific program for which it should be used. These gifts will be allocated based on the Sage Creek Foundation board priorities. All donations received by the Sage Creek Foundation will be allocated for the benefit of all Sage Creek High School students.
What is a Donation Preference?
A directed donation is a gift to the foundation that is directed by the donor to benefit a specific program. For instance, if a donor chooses to donate to the girls volleyball program or to the drama program, he or she can designate that this gift is preferenced to that program. These funds are held in the specific account as designated by the donor and are treated as restricted funds. They can and will only be used by the designated program.
How Much Does it Cost to Educate Your Child?
The mission of the Sage Creek Foundation is to provide a benefit to each and every student. Whether a student is active in arts, athletics, or neither, every student participates in academics. For this reason, each and every student will benefit from the activities of the foundation.Because for each student averages about a dollar per school day or roughly $200 per school year. The foundation operates solely on donations and we ask that each family attempt to pledge this amount. We understand that each financial situation is different so we offer several flexible options to meet nearly any situation.